Eine Lernbegleiterin hockt auf der Lernfläche der Grundschule neben einem Schülerplatz und zeigt auf ein Blatt auf dem Tisch. Die sitzende Schülerin schaut lächelnd auf das Blatt.

Our pedagogy

Flexible structures instead of predefined boundaries

Louisenlund Primary School takes the principle of inter-year learning (JÜL) a step further. While the school law stipulates a variable time window of one to three years for the entry phase (years 1 and 2), Louisenlund extends this scope to the entire primary school period. This can therefore be completed within three, four or five years - depending on the time your child needs.

The class structure and the usual "frontal teaching" have given way to a system of mixed-grade small learning groups, which have their place within the open learning landscapes. Pupils work independently in groups or at modern individual workstations in structured learning arrangements. Each learning landscape is shared by two mixed-grade groups. A team of two teachers is responsible for both, who accompany the children flexibly and according to their individual needs and support them in co-constructive learning processes.

Learning times - subject lessons - project tapes

A balanced mix of learning times, subject lessons and so-called project bands gives the children plenty of time and space to learn actively, work with concentration and dedicate themselves to a subject with perseverance. Teachers are on hand to support the children throughout all these phases at all times and according to their individual needs.

Learning times

All learning units in the core subjects of mathematics and German are grouped into learning periods and include work, input and self-study phases.

Specialized teaching

The subject of general studies is taught in mixed-age groups as well as in year groups that explore age-specific topics in greater depth. English is taught from year three onwards.

Project tapes

The subjects of sport, music, art and religion or philosophy are organized in project bands of eight lessons per week. Each band is dedicated to a three-week project. This bundled approach allows the learning groups to immerse themselves in a subject, instead of moving on the surface of a topic in a double lesson per week.

Experience elementary school up close

A visit to the educational campus and Louisenlund Primary School is the best way to get an idea of the innovative pedagogy and unique learning environment. We would like to welcome you to our regular information days.

You can find all the dates of the upcoming information days here:

Primary School Info Days